Author's Bio and Articles

Heather Broster

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Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

Spanish Word of the Day: Gimnasio (gym)

Because I am going to be turning 40 in just a few months, I recently started going to the gym – or gimnasio in Spanish – four days a week. Call it my crisis de la mediana edad (mid-life crisis), but I feel so much better for it. I have more energía (energy) to chase …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Feliz (happy)

It’s impossible to ignore the iconic song Feliz Navidad when Christmas rolls around. If you’ve listened to the lyrics, you’re likely already familiar with the Spanish word for happy: feliz! Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Feliz is an adjective whose plural form is felices. It is derived from the Latin felix, which means both happy …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Caramelo (candy / sweet)

At this moment, I’m savouring a delightful custard and rhubarb caramelo (candy / sweet), and I couldn’t help but think to myself: what a delectable Spanish word of the day it could be! Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation The word was borrowed from the Portuguese caramelo, which most likely derives from Late Latin calamellus. Caramelo …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Cabra (goat)

Goats, known as cabras in Spanish, are commonly raised in rural areas across Spain and Latin America. They are highly valued for their leche (milk), carne (meat), and pieles (hides), contributing to local economies and traditional agricultural practices. Keen to find out more about this Spanish word? Then keep reading! Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Secador (dryer / drier)

Once upon a time, the most reliable dryers humans could rely on were el sol (the sun) and el fuego (fire). Today, we have various machines and devices to dry our hands, clothes, and hair. In Spanish, there is one word that encompasses all these devices: secador. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation The word is …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Bota (boot)

One of my son’s favourite things to do on a rainy day, like many kids his age, is jump in muddy puddles (charcos). Unfortunately, he’ll sometimes run into a large puddle even without his boots (botas) on! Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Bota is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles: A bota can be …

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