Spanish Word of the Day: Charco (puddle / pond)

Peppa Pig is one of my son’s favourite TV shows, and anyone who watches it, even casually, knows her favorite pastime – jumping in muddy puddles! A puddle in Spanish is known as a charco. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation The etymology of this word is uncertain. Many consider it to be imitative, or a …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Caimán (alligator)

With their huge jaws, scaly skin, and sharp claws, these cold-blooded creatures are top predators in the animal kingdom. Let’s learn more about the alligator and the corresponding Spanish word caimán. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation The origin of caimán is unknown, but it’s believed to have come from acayuman, a word from the Taíno …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Cumpleaños (birthday)

I have been thinking about how to celebrate my husband’s cumpleaños (birthday) and that got me thinking about the origin of this word. Cumpleaños is a compound word derived from the Spanish verbs cumplir (to fulfill or complete), which comes from the Latin word complere, meaning to fill up or complete; and años (years), coming …

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Spanish Word of the Day – Profundo (deep)

A useful word to know when discussing feelings or various other situations is profundo, the Spanish word for deep. Profundo comes from the Latin profundus, which shares the same meaning. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation As an adjective, profundo must agree with the subject it is describing in both gender and quantity. Ella tenía sentimientos …

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Spanish Word of the Day – Máquina (machine)

A very useful word to know is the Spanish term for machine – máquina. This word can describe many essential items in the modern world. It derives from the Latin machina, meaning a machine or engine, and originates from the Ancient Greek μαχανά (makhaná), which carries the same meaning. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Máquina …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Fuerte (strong)

The Spanish word for strong, fuerte, comes from the Latin adjective fortis meaning strong and also brave (valiente). Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Fuerte is an invariable adjective, meaning it does not change to agree with the gender of its subject. However, it does change to agree in number, becoming fuertes in the plural form. ¡Es …

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