Spanish Word of the Day: Cerveza (beer)

Cerveza, translated to beer in English, is one of the most consumed drinks around the world and is most often enjoyed in social settings. If you’re planning to visit a Spanish-speaking country and want to enjoy a cold one with the locals, keep reading to learn the many colloquial terms for cerveza so you order …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Guante (glove)

A few weeks back, I touched upon discussing pairs of objects using the example of a glove (guante). Today, I figured we could delve deeper into the word guante itself. The origins of the word guante are somewhat uncertain, but it’s widely believed to have derived from the Catalan word guant, meaning gauntlet. This term …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Sonrisa (smile)

Whenever you walk past someone on the street, it’s always nice to greet them with a friendly smile, which translates to sonrisa in Spanish. If you have trouble remembering this word, I find it helps to mentally associate it with the word sunrise, as they sound so similar! Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation The term …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Mono (monkey)

Do you know those mischievous little critters that enjoy frolicking around, scampering through trees, and occasionally snatching your food when you cross paths with them? Yep, I’m talking about monkeys. In Spanish, they are called monos. The word originates from the Arabic word مايمون (maymūn), which means fortunate, and they are often associated with luck …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Horno (oven)

The Spanish word for oven, horno, originates from the Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰr̥-nós, which evolved into the Latin word furnus, meaning oven or bakery. The horno, a mud-built outdoor oven, was utilised by Native Americans and early settlers in North America. Introduced to Spain and the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors, it was adopted in all Spanish-occupied …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Taza (cup)

The word for a cup in Spanish is taza, which derives from the Arabic طاسة (ṭassah), and ultimately comes from Persian تاس (tâs). Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Taza is a feminine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Compré esta bonita taza en el mercado. I bought this nice cup at …

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