Spanish Word of the Day: Fuego artificial (firework)

We see them lighting up the night sky on New Year’s Eve, at weddings, and on Independence Day, bursting, exploding, and dazzling us with vibrant colours and shapes. Those magical displays of light that turn the dark sky into a canvas are fuegos artificiales, or what we call fireworks in English. The term fuego artificial …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Brindis (toast)

The word brindis comes from the German word brindern, which means to offer. With time, it became synonymous with the celebratory gesture of raising glasses to share good wishes. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Brindis is a masculine noun which means to toast, to raise a glass, or to say a toast. Similarly, the verb …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Champán (champagne)

Known for its bubbles and refreshing taste, champagne is a common drink at life’s celebrations. In Spanish, the word is known as champán. It comes from the Latin word campania, meaning open country or flat land. It is in reference to the geographical features of the region where this sparkling wine is from. Latin American …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Regalo (gift)

Christmas is not all about regalos (gifts), but we cannot deny that they are an important part of this holiday. The word regalo originates from the Old Spanish rigallo, which itself stems from the Old Provençal regal. Both are derived from the Latin regalis, meaning royal or of a king, connected to rex, meaning king. …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Navidad (Christmas)

The holidays are here and there’s no better time to discuss today’s word. Navidad originates from the Latin word nativitas, which means birth. In Spanish, nativitas evolved into Navidad, signifying the Nativity or the birth of Jesus Christ, traditionally celebrated on December 25. The root word nativus implies to be born and is the same …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Reno (reindeer)

Reindeer are remarkable creatures, famously linked to pulling Santa’s sleigh at Christmas. However, there’s much more to these unique animals than their festive reputation—they possess incredible abilities and a distinctive appearance. Interestingly, their Spanish name, reno, traces its origins back to Old Norse: reinrū, derived from reinn, meaning reindeer. Latin American Pronunciation European Pronunciation Reno …

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