Spanish Word of the Day: Libro (book)

The word for book in Spanish is libro, which comes from the Latin word liber. If you have trouble remembering it, just think of the English word library! Latin American Pronunciation European Spanish Pronunciation Originally, the Latin term referred to the inner bark of certain plants, which, upon drying, served as a writing material in ancient times, before evolving to …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Isla (island)

The word for an island in Spanish is isla and it is derived from the classical Latin word insula of the same meaning. Latin American Pronunciation European Spanish Pronunciation It is a feminine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Las islas can form in three distinct ways. The first occurs when …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Luz (light)

If you want to talk about light in Spanish, in the sense of the natural agent that makes things visible to the eye, you can use the word luz. Latin American Pronunciation European Spanish Pronunciation Luz is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Just as in English, it can be …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Mar (sea)

My family is fortunate; we live just a stone’s throw away from the sea. In Spanish, the sea is known as mar. Latin American Pronunciation European Spanish Pronunciation The term derives from the Latin mare, which was neuter, or in other words, neither masculine nor feminine. As a result, Spanish developed both a masculine and …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Luna (moon)

Have you ever wondered what the word for moon is in Spanish? Well, all you have to do is think of the word lunatic in English and you have your answer! Latin American Pronunciation European Spanish Pronunciation The Spanish for moon is luna. It is a feminine noun whose plural form is lunas. It takes …

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Spanish Word of the Day: Cena (dinner / supper)

In Spain, it’s tradition for people to have five meals a day – el desayuno (breakfast), las tapas (a small meal between breakfast and lunch), la comida (lunch), la merienda (an afternoon snack) and la cena (dinner or supper). Today we’re going to be looking at the final meal on the list, la cena! Latin …

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