Ready, set, go! Carrera is a versatile word in Spanish with various meanings, all linked by the idea of a journey or course with a start and finish. Whether you’re talking about a race, a university degree, or a career path, this term captures the essence of progress toward a goal.
Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation
The word stems from the Latin carrus meaning ‘wagon’ and the carrāria (the track for the wagon). It has a fascinating etymology appearing in many different languages, including Japanese. It is also a common surname in both Spain and Italy.
Carrera is a feminine noun and uses the following definite and indefinite article:
- la carrera = the race
- las carreras = the races
- una carrera = a race
- unas carreras = some races
Carrera when it means ‘race’
La carrera, meaning the race, refers to either a competitive race such as a running race or horse race, or a run without any competitive element.
Voy a correr en la carrera mañana.
I am going to run in the race tomorrow.
Todas las tardes me doy una carrera.
I go for a run every evening.
Here are some different types of carreras you might encounter in Spanish:
- carrera de relevos = relay race
- carrera de obstáculos = obstacle race
- carrera de corta/media/larga distancia = short/medium/long distance race
- carrera de velocidad = sprint race
- carrera de cien metros = hundred metre race
Carrera when it means ‘degree’
La carrera universitaria is the word for a university degree in Spanish.
Mi hijo acaba de empezar la carrera universitaria.
My son has just started his university degree.
Estoy haciendo la carrera de derecho
I am studying a law degree.
In Spanish, there are several ways you can say I study a degree:
- Yo estudio una carrera = I study a degree
- Yo curso una carrera = I pursue a degree
- Yo hago una carrera = I do a degree
And here some typical degrees:
- carrera de derecho = law degree
- carrera de arquitectura = architecture degree
- carrera de periodismo = journalism degree
- carrera de psicología = psychology degree
- carrera de ciencias políticas = political science degree
- carrera de ingeniería civil / de caminos = civil engineering degree
Carrera when it means ‘career’
La carrera profesional refers to an individual’s professional journey, encompassing their work roles, achievements, and long-term career path. It’s the trajectory one follows in their profession, marked by growth, experiences, and personal development.
Mi carrera profesional es importante para mi.
My professional career is important to me.
La formación continua contribuye a una carrera profesional próspera.
Continuous development contributes to a successful career.
Here are some of the most traditional career paths one might pursue in Spain—or anywhere else in the world, for that matter. Chances are, you know at least one person who’s followed one of these professions! Did yours make the list?
- ingeniería = engineering
- medicina = medicine
- enfermería = nursing
- abogacía = law
- docencia = teaching
- administración y dirección de empresas = business administration and management
- arquitectura = architecture
- ciencias de la computación = computer science
- psicología = psychology
- turismo y hostelería = tourism and hospitality
Did you know that…
Carrera can also be a street in Spanish. For example, you can say Estoy en la carrera de San Jerónimo = I am at San Jerónimo’s street. Don’t get confused, it is not a race called San Jerónimo!
Spanish idioms featuring ‘carrera‘
Hacer algo a la carrera
Literal translation: to do something to the race
English meaning: slang for doing something fast and at the last minute (usually not a good job)
Lo hace todo a la carrera = He/she does everything in a rush.