Spanish Word of the Day: Ciudad (city / town)

A populated place where people live, work and play is called a ciudad (city) in Spanish.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Pronunciation

ciudad spanish word

Ciudad is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • la ciudad = the city
  • las ciudades = the cities
  • una ciudad = a city
  • unas ciudades = some cities

I don’t want to live in a big city.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

barcelona aerial view
La ciudad de Barcelona = The city of Barcelona

Although town is often translated as pueblo in Spanish, ciudad is also a possible translation when the size of the town is ambiguous. For example, in English, we might say I need to drive back into town. Here, the word town could denote a built-up area of any size, so you could safely use ciudad.

We drove back into town for a quick dinner.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

If you want to translate the word hometown into Spanish, you have to use the word ciudad natal (literally “birth city”), even if you were born in a small town.

Mexico City is my hometown.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

In order to specify the size of the city or town in question, you can use adjectives such as pequeño (small) or grande (big) if need be.

Here are a few useful terms related to the word ciudad:

  • centro de la ciudad = city centre
  • ciudad jardín = garden city
  • ciudad nocturna = city with a good nightlife
  • ciudad dormitorio = commuter town
  • ciudad histórica = historic city
  • ciudad portuaria = port city
  • ciudad perdida = lost city
Discover the architectural wonders and urban beauty of Guanajuato city. From historic landmarks to modern designs, explore neighborhoods, cityscapes, and charming streets that reveal its rich history and vibrant atmosphere
La ciudad de Guanajuato = Guanajuato city

In addition to a city, ciudad can also refer to a collection of facilities and buildings designed for a specific activity, which in English can be translated as a complex or campus. For example, it can denote a sports complex (ciudad deportiva), hospital complex (ciudad sanitaria) or a university campus (ciudad universitaria).

I like this university campus. It has a good vibe.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

About The Author

Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

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