Today, let’s explore a word that you can use when discussing farewells or goodbyes. Despedida is a noun derived from the past participle of the verb despedir, which means to say goodbye.
Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Despedida is a feminine noun and takes the following definite and indefinite articles:
- la despedida = the farewell
- las despedidas = the farewell
- una despedida = a farewell
- unas despedidas = some farewells
La despedida fue agridulce
The farewell was bittersweet.
As well as using despedida for a farewell or a parting, you could use any one of a number of synonyms including partida (departure), separación (separation), salida (exit) or marcha (march).
Ella hizo una salida bastante grandiosa.
She made a pretty grand exit.
If you are hosting a party (fiesta) for someone who is leaving, changing their social status, or even marking the end of something, you would call it a fiesta de despedida. For example:
- fiesta de despedida de soltero/a = bachelor/hen/stag party
- fiesta de despedida del año = New Year’s Eve party
- fiesta de despedida = leaving party
- regalo de despedida = parting gift

The very similar adjective despedido/a, from the same verb despedir, is used to describe someone who has been fired or made redundant from a job.
Finally, an interesting fact is that the word despedida is often used when talking about the final verse in certain types of popular songs (canciones) known as coplas.