Today, we’re diving into a versatile word with multiple meanings. Enchufe can refer to an electrical outlet, a socket, or even a plug, among other things. Ready to discover the various uses of enchufe and how to incorporate it into your vocabulary? Read on to learn more!
It is believed that the word enchufe originates from the onomatopoeia chuf, which mimics the sound made when two pipes are connected. Cute, don’t you think?
Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Enchufe ia a masculine noun and therefore takes the following definite and indefinite articles:
- el enchufe = the socket / plug
- los enchufes = the sockets / plugs
- un enchufe = a socket / plug
- unos enchufes = some sockets / plugs
So if the word means so many different things (and some of them seem antonymous) how do we know what we are referring to in conversation?
It’s straightforward, really. We clarify as needed, and typically, the context of the situation provides clarity. For instance, when discussing electrical plugs and sockets, we can specify whether we mean the male (macho) plug on the device or the female (hembra) socket in the wall (en la pared).
A sentence such as the following will still make sense despite using the same word for two different meanings:
Puse el enchufe en el enchufe y lo encendí.
I put the plug in the socket and I switched it on.
A plug adaptor or extension can be called enchufe múltiple.

We can use the word enchufe when referring to telephone connections, including old-fashioned fixed telephones in houses (does anyone still have those?). In this context, we again distinguish between the male (macho) jack (enchufe) on the telephone (teléfono) itself and the female (hembra) phone socket (enchufe) in the wall.
And we can use the word enchufe when talking about connections between pipe work, for example the connection of a water tap/faucet would be el enchufe de un grifo.

Enchufe the noun comes from the verb enchufar which means to plug in or to connect:
Enchufe is the:
- 1st person singular present subjunctive
- 3rd person singular present subjunctive
- 3rd person singular imperative
and enchufé is the 1st person singular preterite indicative.
A synonym for enchufar would be conectar.
In addition to its practical and physical meanings, as evidenced by the verb enchufar, the word enchufe also signifies connection or to connect. As an adjective, enchufado/a can colloquially describe being well-connected, especially in business circles.
Ella está muy enchufada en el sector financiero.
She is very connected in the finance sector.
To have connections would be tener enchufes, and the reflexive verb enchufarse would be to pull strings or to wangle something. An enchufista is a person who can pull strings and enchufismo is the act of pulling strings.

In parts of Central America un enchufe can also be a buddy or a partner in crime!