Spanish Word of the Day: Familia (family)

Family life forms the foundation of Spanish culture, taking precedence over all other things in life including job success and material possessions. This is a value that is embraced not only by the Spanish but also many Latino countries where Spanish is spoken.

The Spanish word for family is the similar sounding familia. Both words can trace their origins back to the Latin familia (household servants, family), from famulus (servant).

Latin American Pronunciation

European Pronunciation

spanish word familia

Familia is a feminine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • la familia = the family
  • las familias = the families
  • una familia = a family
  • unas familias = some families

How is the family?

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Families come in all shapes and sizes as we can see below:

  • familia monoparental = single-parent family
  • familia extendida = extended family
  • familia política = in-laws
  • familia adoptiva = adoptive family
  • familia nuclear = nuclear family
  • familia numerosa = large family
  • familia real = royal family
  • familia de acogida = foster family
Family, smile and nature happiness with quality quality time together with parent love and children.

By extension, family can also refer to one’s children, especially one’s future children, as in the expression tener familia (to start a family).

The couple is ready to start a family.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

If you want to ask if two people are related in Spanish, you can say ¿Sois / son familia? which literally means Are you family?

Familia can also refer to groups of related things, such as a familia de lenguas (family of languages) or a familia de instrumentos (family of instruments), or communities with shared interests or goals.

A closeup shot of different musical string instruments for a school of music
la familia de los instrumentos de cuerda = the family of string instruments

There are two ways to say that something runs in the family in Spanish – venir de familia, which describes any trait, be it positive or negative, that many family members inherit, and mal de familia, which indicates a negative trait.

  • Su pasión por la pintura viene de familia. = Her passion for painting runs in the family.
  • La terquedad es mal de familia. = Stubbornness runs in the family.

Here are a few terms and expressions containing familia that are worth memorising:

  • en familia = with the family, at home, among friends
  • de la familia = one of the family
  • asunto de familia = family matter
  • cabeza de familia = head of the family
  • violencia intrafamiliar = domestic violence
  • de buena familia = from a good family
  • aire de familia = family resemblance
  • amigo/a de la familia = family friend
  • hombre de familia = family man
  • no tener familia = to not have a family, be an orphan, homeless
  • médico/a de familia = family doctor
Portrait of happy family enjoying in park on sunny a day
Tengo muchas ganas de pasar tiempo con mi familia. = I can’t wait to spend time with my family.

Idiomatic expressions featuring familia

Acordarse de la familia

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to remember the family

English meaning: to curse / swear at someone

Quedar en familia

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to stay with family

English meaning: to stay in the family, be kept in the family

Sentirse como en familia

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to feel like in family

English meaning: to feel right at home

About The Author

Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

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