Spanish Word of the Day: Luna (moon)

Have you ever wondered what the word for moon is in Spanish? Well, all you have to do is think of the word lunatic in English and you have your answer!

Latin American Pronunciation

European Spanish Pronunciation

spanish word luna

The Spanish for moon is luna. It is a feminine noun whose plural form is lunas. It takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • la luna = the moon
  • las lunas = the moons
  • una luna = a moon
  • unas lunas = some moons

The word luna in Spanish has its roots in Latin, specifically inherited from lūna, originating from Proto-Italic *louksnā, which, in turn, traces its origins to Proto-Indo-European *lówksneh. It shares linguistic ties with the French word lune and the Italian luna.

When the moon in question refers specifically to the satellite that revolves around the Earth, it is necessary to use a capital L for Luna. Any other moon, such as those that revolve around the other planets in our solar system, takes a lowercase letter l.

Latin American Spanish pronunciation
European Spanish pronunciation

European Spanish pronunciation

The different moon phases (fases de la luna) are known as:

  • luna nueva = new moon
  • luna creciente = waxing crescent moon
  • cuarto creciente = first quarter moon
  • luna gibosa creciente = waxing gibbous moon
  • luna llena = full moon
  • luna gibosa menguante = waning gibbous moon 
  • cuarto menguante = last quarter moon
  • luna menguante = waning crescent moon

As in English, a honeymoon is known as luna de miel, with miel meaning honey.

Latin American Spanish pronunciation
European Spanish pronunciation

And what about moonlight? This word translates as claro de luna, with claro meaning light or bright.

Moonlight, moon on a dark cold eerie night behind trees

Interestingly, luna has a few less common translations including mirror, window (of a car), and glass window. For example, la luna del coche translates to windshield, whereas la luna de un escaparate is the glass of a shop window.

Let’s wrap up this article by taking a look at a few common Spanish idioms containing luna:

Estar de buena / mala luna

Latin American Spanish pronunciation
European Spanish pronunciation

Literal translation: to be in a good / bad mood
English meaning: to be in a good/bad moon

Estar en la luna

Latin American Spanish pronunciation
European Spanish pronunciation

Literal translation: to have one’s head in the clouds / to be daydreaming
English meaning: to be on the moon

Pedir la luna

Latin American Spanish pronunciation
European Spanish pronunciation

Literal translation: to ask for the moon
English meaning: to ask the impossible

About The Author

Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

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