Spanish Word of the Day: Luz (light)

If you want to talk about light in Spanish, in the sense of the natural agent that makes things visible to the eye, you can use the word luz.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Spanish Pronunciation


Luz is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • la luz (the light)
  • las luces (the lights)
  • una luz (a light)
  • unas luces (some lights)

Just as in English, it can be used to refer to the agent itself (as in the first example below) or the source of illumination (as in the second example).

Nothing is capable of moving faster than the speed of light.

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

I left the light on.

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

Stage with lights and popular group
Light show = Espectáculo de luces

What’s more, it can even refer to electricity itself, as you can see from terms and expressions such as taco de la luz (fuse box), irse la luz (to be a power outage) and cortar la luz a alguien (to cut off someone’s electricity).

There is no electricity in our house.

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

To turn the light on can be translated as dar la luz or encender la luz in European Spanish, or prender la luz in Latin American Spanish. To turn off the light is apagar la luz no matter which variation of Spanish you speak.

A finger turning on lighting switch
Estoy encendiendo la luz. = I am turning on the light.

The word luz often appears in expressions where special attention is drawn to someone or something, either in a literal or metaphorical sense, or when something is revealed. Interestingly, many of the English equivalents also contain the word light.

  • sacar a la luz = to bring to light
  • arrojar algo de luz = to shed some light on
  • salir a la luz = to come to light
  • dar a luz = to give birth

Below are a few useful terms that contain the word luz:

  • año luz = light year
  • luz de día = daylight
  • baño de luz = highlights
  • luz de Bengala = flare / sparkler
  • luz directa / dura = direct light
  • luz natural / solar = natural light
  • luz artificial = artificial light
  • tubo de luz = florescent tube

Useful idiomatic expressions featuring ‘luz’

Dar luz verde a alguien

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

English meaning: to give someone the go-ahead / green light
Literal translation: to give the green light to someone

Írsele a uno las luces

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

English meaning: to lose one’s marbles or to lose one’s mind
Literal translation: to have one’s lights go out

Brillar con luz propia

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

English meaning: to shine with one’s own light
Literal translation: to stand out or excel in a particular way

Negar la luz del día a alguien

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

English meaning: to concede nothing to someone
Literal translation: to deny someone the light of day

Ver la luz al final del túnel

Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

English meaning: to see the light at the end of the tunnel
Literal translation: to see the light at the end of the tunnel

About The Author

Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

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