A very useful word to know is the Spanish term for machine – máquina. This word can describe many essential items in the modern world. It derives from the Latin machina, meaning a machine or engine, and originates from the Ancient Greek μαχανά (makhaná), which carries the same meaning.
Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Máquina is a feminine noun and takes the following definite and indefinite articles:
- la máquina = the machine
- una máquina = a machine
- las máquinas = the machines
- unas máquinas = some machines
As well as meaning a machine for manufacturing things, máquina is used to describe an engine, for example in a train or locomotive. Máquina is also used colloquially to mean car or automobile.
A mi papá le interesan mucho las máquinas de vapor.
My father is very interested in steam train engines.
As I mentioned earlier, máquina is an incredibly versatile word in conversation, applicable to a variety of situations and objects to describe how something is made or what it can be used for. While the list below isn’t exhaustive, I’ve selected some of the most useful and interesting examples:
- máquina de café = coffee machine
- máquina de afeitar = electric razor
- máquina fotográfica = camera
- máquina de cortar césped = lawnmower
- máquina portátil = portable device
- máquina expendedora = vending machine
- máquina tragamonedas = slot machine
- máquina de coser = sewing machine
Olvidó su máquina de afeitar y tuvo que afeitarse a mano.
He forgot his electric razor and had to shave by hand.

Here are a few useful phrases using the word máquina which could be good to remember:
- escribir a máquina = to type
- escrito a máquina = typed
- fabricado a máquina = machine-made
- ¿Se puede lavar a máquina? = Can it be machine washed?
- aprendizaje de la máquina = machine learning

Did you know that…?
Máquina can also be used colloquially as an adjective to describe somebody who is hard working or very good at something. For example, the expressions Ser una máquina (to be a machine) and Estar hecho una máquina (to be made into a machine) both metaphorically describe individuals who excel in their abilities or tasks.
A useful idiom using ‘máquina’
A toda máquina
Literal translation: At all machine
English meaning: Flat out/at full speed
Please don’t confuse the word máquina with the same word without an accent maquina which is the 3rd person present form of the verb maquinar, to plot. Interestingly the Latin word machina also means contrivance, stratagem or trick!