Spanish Word of the Day: Música (music)

The Spanish word for music is the similar sounding música, with an accent above the letter u. Both the English and Spanish words can be traced back to the Greek mousikē (tekhnē) which means (art) of the Muses.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Pronunciation


Similar to the English word, música is used not only to refer to the combination of melodic vocals and sounds, but also to denote the art of composing or performing music. (Note that there is a separate term for sheet music, which is partitura).

The following verbs are often seen in the company of the word música:

  • escuchar música = to listen to music
  • estudiar música = to study music
  • componer música = to compose music
  • escribir música = to write music
  • hacer música = to make music
  • interpretar música = to perform music
  • tocar / poner música = to play music

I like listening to music while cleaning the house.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Some of the most popular music genres (géneros musicales) include:

música rock
rock music

música reggae
reggae music

música clásica
classical music

música pop
pop music

música country
country music

música de baile
dance music

música lírica
opera music

música en vivo/directo
live music

música instrumental
instrumental music

música ambiental
background music

música jazz
jazz music

música rap
rap music

Did you know that…?

Música is also the word for a female musician, with the male equivalent being músico. By extension, música can also denote a music band or group. What’s more, in informal Spanish, the plural músicas refers to drivel or nonsense.

Música, in addition to being a noun, is also a feminine adjective in Spanish. The masculine equivalent is, of course, músico. They can be used to describe something or someone that is musical or related to music.

Be aware that in Mexico, the adjective also has a couple of negative figurative meanings: mean/unfriendly and hopeless.

You will also hear de música, literally of music, to describe things that are related to music. For example:

  • biblioteca de música = music library
  • colección de música = music collection
  • estudio de música = music studio
  • concierto de música = music concert
  • concurso de música = music competition
  • festival de música = music festival

I want to go to the music festival this year!

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Joyful musicians recording a new album in a home record studio

Idiomatic expressions featuring ‘música’

Ir / irse con la música a otra parte

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to go / to leave with the music to another place

English meaning: to take one’s business elsewhere; to get lost / go away

Me suena a música de caballitos

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: it sounds like carousel music

English meaning: it sounds all too familiar

Sonar a/ser música celestial

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to sound like/be heavenly music

English meaning: to be music to one’s ears

Música celestial in Spanish literally translates to heavenly music but it can also be used ironically to mean “hot air” or empty talk intended to impress.

About The Author

Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

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