Spanish Word of the Day: Pera (pear)

Pears are one of the yummiest and healthiest fruits around. These sweet and juicy fruits are called pera, meaning pear in English. The word originates from the Latin word pira, which is the plural form of pirium, meaning pear in English.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Pronunciation

Pera is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles: 

  • la pera = the pear
  • las peras = the pears
  • una pera = a pear
  • unas peras = some pears

The pear tart my grandmother made was delicious.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Peras have been enjoyed for thousands of years. They used to be eaten by ancient Greeks and Romans. Today, this tasty and versatile fruit is enjoyed by people everywhere. These juicy fruits are used to make ensalada (salad) and postre (dessert) recipes or enjoyed as jugo (juice) or sidra de pera (pear cider)

Peras are sweet fruits that can be eaten frescas (fresh) or cocinadas (cooked). They come in many shapes and sizes. Some are round and some are bell-shaped. Below are a few types of peras

  • pera verde = green pear: has a very sweet
  • pera cafe = brown pear: has a somewhat spicy flavor
  • pera roja = red pear: is sweet and colorful

Peras grow in many parts of the world, specifically in temperate climates. You can find them in huertas (orchards) and árboles (trees) in people’s backyards. 

These fruits grow on beautiful trees with white or pink flores (flowers). After the flowers, small green fruits start to grow. These fruits mature and change colour as they madurar (ripen). Once ripe and ready to eat, they become blandas (soft) and dulces (sweet).

Peras are healthy fruits with lots of valor nutricional (nutritional value). They have fibra (fiber) and vitaminas (vitamins). They also keep you hydrated because they contain a high water content. 

Pear juice is very sweet and refreshing.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

You can enjoy peras as a sweet and fresh snack to add to your lunch or they can be horneadas (baked), escalfadas (poached), or made into mermeladas (jams) and pasteles (pies). You can even eat them with the piel (skin) to reap the fibre benefits. 

hand holding pear

Spanish idioms featuring ‘pera’

The following phrase, “Es como pedirle peras al olmo” translates to  “It’s like asking for pears from the elm tree.” It’s used when you ask for something that is most likely impossible. 

Estar como una pera

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to be like a pear

English meaning: to be very tired or drunk

Pera en dulce

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: pear in candy

English meaning: something that is of great pleasure

Parecer una pera

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to look like a pear

English meaning: to have an odd posture

About The Author

Carolina is a former classroom teacher with experience in Bilingual Elementary Education in the United States. Now, she uses her prior knowledge to create digital products and bilingual content for teachers and parents to use in the classroom or at home for their children. Carolina also has a passion for travel and teaches others about the places she visits. Aside from teaching and creating products, Carolina enjoys her current home in Mexico City, traveling, hiking, and spending time with family.

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