Spanish Word of the Day: Pregunta (question)

The Spanish word for question, pregunta, comes from the Latin verb percontor, meaning to inquire or investigate.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Pronunciation


Pregunta is a feminine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • la pregunta (the question)
  • las preguntas (the questions)
  • una pregunta (a question)
  • unas preguntas (some questions)

He always asks interesting questions in class.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

There are many different types of questions which we can identify using the word pregunta including the list below:

  • una pregunta abierta = an open-ended question
  • una pregunta de elección múltiple = a multiple choice question
  • una pregunta difícil = a difficult question
  • una pregunta retórica = a rhetorical question
  • una pregunta hipotética = a hypothetical question
  • preguntas realizadas frecuentemente = frequently asked questions/FAQs
  • una pregunta estúpida = a stupid question
  • la pregunta del millón = the million dollar question

Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Smiling woman showing yes gesture near employees holding cards with question marks in office

As well as being a common feminine noun, pregunta is the 3rd-person singular present indicative and the 2nd-person singular imperative of the verb preguntar (to ask / inquire). For example:

  • Él pregunta si tu podrías estar ahí. = He asks if you can be there.
  • ¡Vamos, pregunta por qué! = Go on, ask why!

Some common verbs that you will encounter being used alongside the noun pregunta are suggested below:

  • contestar = to answer
  • tener = to have
  • plantear = to pose
  • hacer = to do/to make
  • acosar = to hound or harrass

Useful idiomatic expressions featuring pregunta

Estar a la cuarta pregunta

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to be at the fourth question

English meaning: This means to be flat broke or to have no current income and originated from the fourth question that a person would be asked in court which would determine their financial status.

Quemar a alguien a preguntas

Latin American Pronunciation

Literal translation: to burn someone with questions

English meaning: to grill someone or bombard them with questions

About The Author

Thanks to family connections and work opportunities, Joanna has a lifelong affiliation with Spain and has been learning the Spanish language since the age of 12. Following university, Joanna spent a year living and working in Barcelona where her level of spoken Spanish was elevated to new levels (and she also dabbled in a little Catalan). Upon returning to the UK, she spent another year working for a Madrid based company whilst living in London, liaising every day with the factory in Spain. Joanna and her family then decided to up roots and move to Andalucía where they lived and worked for 12 years, fully integrated into Spanish village life and supporting the ex-pat community with their language challenges. Now living in Wales, Joanna has kept her connections to her village in Spain and returns as often as possible.

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