Spanish Word of the Day: Préstamo (loan)

Lately, I’ve been considering taking out a loan to finance my new business venture. In Spanish, when we talk about a loan in this context, we use the word préstamo, which originates from the Latin word praestare, meaning to provide or to lend, a term commonly used in financial, academic, and everyday settings.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Pronunciation


Préstamo is a masculine noun and takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • el préstamo = the loan
  • un préstamo = a loan
  • los préstamos = the loans
  • unos préstamos = some loans

I need a loan for my studies.

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

The word préstamo can be used in various contexts, one of the most common being financial loans. In this context, a prestador/prestamista (lender) provides money to a prestatario (borrower) with the expectation of repayment, typically with interés (interest), over a specified plazo (term), through cuotas (installments). Here are some types of préstamos:

  • Préstamo Personal = Personal Loan
  • Préstamo Hipotecario = Mortgage Loan
  • Préstamo Automotriz = Auto Loan
  • Préstamo Estudiantil = Student Loan
  • Préstamo Comercial = Business Loan

Préstamo is also used to refer to linguistic borrowing. In this context, it describes words or expressions taken from one language and incorporated into another, often with little or no modification. Here are a few examples of préstamos from English to Spanish.

  • sándwich = Me gustaría un sándwich de jamón y queso. (I would like a ham and cheese sandwich.)
  • Internet = El Internet ha cambiado la forma en que vivimos. (The Internet has changed the way we live.)
  • clic = Haz clic en el enlace para más información. (Click on the link for more information.)

And here are some préstamos from Spanish to English:

  • patio = We love spending time in our patio.
  • fiesta = Party. We are throwing a big fiesta this weekend.
  • taco = Referring to the traditional Mexican food. Let’s go out for tacos tonight.

The verb form of préstamo is prestar, which means to lend or to loan:

  • yo presto = I lend
  • tú prestas = you lend (informal, singular)
  • él / ella presta  = he / she lends
  • nosotros prestamos = we lend
  • vosotros prestáis = you lend (plural)
  • ellos / ellas / ustedes prestan = they lend / you lend (plural)

Idiomatic expressions using ‘préstamo’

Prestar atención

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to lend attention

English meaning: to pay attention

Prestar oídos

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: to lend ears

English meaning:  to listen or to heed

El que presta, nunca tiene

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: He who lends, never has

English meaning: This saying emphasizes that those who frequently lend their possessions or money may often find themselves without them when they need them

Prestar a amigo y perder el dinero y el amigo

Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Literal translation: lend to a friend and lose both the money and the friend

English meaning: This saying warns about the potential risks of lending money to friends, which can lead to financial loss and damage to the friendship

About The Author

Jennyfer is a graduate of Universidad de Antioquia in Early Childhood Education and a passionate educator from Colombia. With a focus on teaching Spanish as a second language, she brings creativity and cultural richness to their classrooms. Outside of teaching, she enjoys painting.

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