The Spanish word ahumado comes from the verb ahumar, which is the action of smoking something. It derives from the Latin word fumare, meaning to smoke. The prefix a- is related to the action of smoking something. Therefore, ahumado refers to something that has already been smoked.
Latin American Pronunciation
European Pronunciation

Ahumado is a gender-inflected adjective that describes something that has already been smoked. This means that the adjective needs to agree with the gender of the noun it describes. If the noun is feminine, the adjective ahumada is used; if the noun is masculine, the adjective used is ahumado.
El salmón ahumado es uno de mis platos favoritos.
Smoked salmon is one of my favorite dishes.
The word is primarily used to describe food that has been exposed to smoke to enhance its sabor (flavour), giving it a deep and rich flavour. The flavour of the food will vary depending on the type of madera (wood) used to smoke it.
Smoking food has long been a method to preservar alimentos (preserving food). When food is ahumada, it lasts longer and has sabores distintivos (distinct flavours) that derive from smoking it. The word often describes foods such as meats, fish, or cheese that has been cured with humo (smoke).
Ahumar comida (smoking food) is a técnica antigua (ancient technique) found in many cultures around the world. For example, in Spain, pimentón ahumado (smoked paprika) is popular in many dishes such as paella and chorizo. In the United States, the state of Tennessee is known for its barbacoa ahumada de nogal americano (hickory-smoked barbecue). In Mexico, barbacoa is a popular traditional dish that is slow-cooked and smoked. Scotland has famous whiskies ahumados con turba (peat-smoked whiskies) with distinct flavors.
Habrá tacos de carne ahumada en la barbacoa de mi familia.
There will be smoked-meat tacos at my family’s barbecue.
Food can be ahumada en frío (cold smoking) or ahumada en caliente (hot smoking). Ahumada en frío is a technique used for specific flavors and preservation. This smoking process is done at low temperatures (30°C / 86°F) and does not cook the food. Instead, it is exposed to smoke for an extended period of time to infuse the food with flavor. Foods that undergo this process include carne curada (cured meats), cheese (queso), and salmon ahumado (smoked salmon).
Ahumado en caliente (hot smoking) cooks food during the smoking process. This method is done at higher temperatures (65-85°C / 150-185°F). The food is exposed to smoke for a shorter period and is ideal for carnes (meats) such as costillas (ribs), aves de corral (poultry), and beef brisket (pecho de res). Hot smoking makes the food juicy and tender.
Foods that are typically ahumados or ahumadas are the following:
- salmón ahumado = smoked salmon
- sopa ahumada = smoked soup
- pescado ahumado = smoked fish
- salsa ahumada = smoked salsa
- queso ahumado = smoked cheese
- chorizo ahumado = smoked sausage
- carne ahumada = smoked meat
- pimiento ahumado = smoked pepper
- bacalao ahumado = smoked cod
- tofu ahumado = smoked tofu
¡La salsa ahumada que preparé para la fiesta está deliciosa!
The smoked sauce I made for the party is delicious!

Tequila or Mezcal?
You’re probably familiar with tequila, but have you heard of mezcal? Mezcal is another popular bebida alcohólica (alcoholic drink) from Mexico with a higher percentage of alcohol. However, many people prefer this drink due to its sabor ahumado (smoky flavour). Although the two drinks are similar, they taste different due to the different cooking methods used in production.
Mezcal is traditionally cooked in underground pits where the agave heart is infused with smoke from the burning madera (wood). Tequila on the other hand avoids the smoky element because it is steamed and keeps its agave flavor.
The word ahumado is also used to refer to something with a smoky apariencia (appearance). For example, objects or materials that may appear smoky are glass, paint, or a room. This type of description is often used in art or fashion. Colours that have a smoky appearance, such as greys and browns are usually described as ahumados.
Figuratively, the word can be used to evoke a sense of misterio (mystery) or oscuridad (obscurity), similar to when something clouds visibility, such as fog. The word may also be used in literature or music to convey a certain atmosphere or in poetry and music to convey the haziness of thoughts or feelings.
Su futuro se veía ahumado, lleno de dudas y misterio.
Her future looked smoky, full of doubt and mystery.
Below are some words related to ahumado:
- ahumador = a smoking device or smokehouse used for smoking meats and fish
- ahumar = to smoke (verb used in culinary terminology)
- ahumado líquido = liquid smoke (flavoring agent)
- humeante = smoky, producing or emitting smoke

Spanish idioms featuring ‘ahumado’
Con un aire ahumado
Literal translation: with smoked air
English meaning: description of a person or atmosphere that feels mysterious or elusive