The origin of the Spanish word bicicleta can be traced back to its components: bi-, a Latin prefix meaning two; kyklos, a Greek word signifying wheel; and -ette, a French diminutive.
Latin American pronunciation
European pronunciation

Bicicleta is a feminine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles:
- la bicicleta (the bicycle)
- las bicicletas (the bicycles)
- una bicicleta (a bicycle)
- unas bicicletas (some bicycles)
Similar to the English word bicycle being commonly abbreviated to bike, the Spanish word bicicleta also has its shortened forms. In Spain, it’s often referred to as bici, while in Colombia and Cuba, cicla and ciclo are common. In Mexico, you might hear rila or chiva, and in Chile, it’s shortened to cleta.
Note: The word bici cannot be used to indicate a motorbike, which is known as a motocicleta or moto in Spanish.
Me gusta andar en bicicleta.
I like riding my bike.

A few common verbs that you’ll often see used with bicicleta include:
- ir en bicicleta = to ride a bicycle, to cycle, to go bike riding
- montar en / subirse a una bicicleta = to get on a bicycle
- bajarse / descender de una bicicleta = to get off the bicycle
- caminar con la bicicleta = to walk with the bike
Me bajé de mi bicicleta y crucé la carretera.
I got off my bike and crossed the road.
Here are a few of the most common types of bicycles we use today:
- bicicleta de montaña = mountain bike
- bicicleta eléctrica = electric bike
- bicicleta estática / fija / gimnástica / de ejercicio = exercise bike
- bicicleta plegable = folding bike
- bicicleta de reparto = cargo bike
- monociclo = monocycle
- triciclo = tricycle
- bicicleta de carreras = racing bike
- bicicleta de alquiler = rental bike
Let’s take a quick look at the various parts of a bicicleta in Spanish, using this helpful image.

When cycling, it’s crucial to wear a bike helmet (casco de bicicleta) and, ideally, have a working bicycle bell (timbre) to alert pedestrians. Children who are in the early stages of learning to ride a bicycle may also benefit from training wheels (ruedas de entrenamiento) to prevent falls.
If you take pleasure in cycling as a hobby, the optimal location to practice is on a designated bicycle path (ciclovía), while professional cyclists (ciclistas profesionales) may choose to participate in bicycle races (carreras de ciclismo) on more demanding terrain.
Carlos Vives and Shakira – La Bicicleta
If you need some help remembering the word bicicleta, why not learn the lyrics to this catchy tune by Carlos Vives and Shakira!