Spanish Word of the Day: Mes (month)

Throughout history, humans have crafted numerous methods to measure time, ranging from the smallest units like seconds and minutes to the broader spans of years, decades, and centuries. Nestled in the middle is the unassuming month, referred to as mes in Spanish, serving as the essential unit for dividing our calendar year.

Latin American Pronunciation

European Spanish Pronunciation

spanish word mes

Mes is a masculine noun in Spanish whose plural form is meses. You can see the definite and indefinite articles it takes below:

  • el mes = the month
  • los meses = the months
  • un mes = a month
  • unos meses = (some) months

Unless they appear at the very beginning of the sentence, the months of the year are not capitalised in Spanish, nor are the days of the week.

enero (January)

febrero (February)

marzo (March)

abril (April)

mayo (May)

junio (June)

julio (July)

agosto (August)

septiembre (September)

octubre (October)

noviembre (November)

diciembre (December)

There are twelve months in one year.

Many colorful push pins on a monthly paper calendar page. Deadlines and events planning concept.

The word mes appears in several commonly used time expressions in Spanish. Here are a few of the most common ones you’ll come across during your time in Spain or Latin America.

  • el mes próximo / el mes que viene = next month
  • el mes pasado = last month
  • este mes = this month
  • una vez al mes = once a month
  • mes tras mes = month by month
  • por mesesfor months
  • por mes / al mesper / a month
  • a mitad de mes = halfway through the month
  • dentro de un mes = in a month’s time
  • a principios / a finales de mes = at the beginning / the end of the month
  • a fín de mes by the end of the month

How much do you pay a month?

As in English, mes can also be used to refer to a young child’s age, or to the number of months a woman has been pregnant.

She has a ten month old baby and is two months pregnant.

cheerful african american pregnant woman standing at mirror
¿Cuantos meses de embarazo tienes? = How many months pregnant are you?

Some additional translations for mes include month’s pay, month’s rent or monthly payment.

You can also use mes as an informal term to refer to a woman’s period (menstruación). For example, to have one’s period can be translated as estar con el mes.

Lingopie (affiliate link) is the Netflix of language learning application that uses real TV shows and movies to help you learn a new language. You can choose a show to watch based on your fluency level, and use the interactive subtitles to get instant translations to help you learn quickly. Try it today and skyrocket your Spanish to new heights!

About The Author

Heather is a graduate in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario and an aspiring polyglot. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction. When she isn’t studying languages, she enjoys the great outdoors, exercising and spending time with her young son.

Lingopie (affiliate link) is the Netflix of language learning application that uses real TV shows and movies to help you learn a new language. You can choose a show to watch based on your fluency level, and use the interactive subtitles to get instant translations to help you learn quickly. Try it today and skyrocket your Spanish to new heights!

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